Local MP Luke Hall made a visit to Christ the King Catholic Primary School on Friday 28th June in order to speak to the students and hear their views about how we can improve our community.
The pupils have been learning about democracy, elections and the UK System of Government and they were intrigued to hear about the day to day work and responsibilities of their MP.
Luke spoke about how he first became a Member of Parliament in the 2015 General Election, the differences between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, how MPs cast their vote in the chamber and how a law is passed through parliament. He explained how democracy means that anybody can stand in an election to represent the residents of an area.
They also discussed the changes that could be made to improve both our local community and the country as a whole. The pupils raised various issues including reducing plastic waste in order to protect our ocean wildlife. The pupils then imitated members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords and voted on each stage to pass a bill through parliament.
Local MP Luke said: ‘It was a pleasure to meet the pupils and teachers at Christ the King Catholic Primary School. It is always nice to see that young people are engaged with current affairs and are eager to learn more about how laws are made that instigate positive changes in our community’.